Pre-Easter Muddle

The thing that strikes me about God is that he never gives up on me. I came to faith late in my life (Late have I loved you, O Lord) and God became something I relied on to be a constant, never-changing, never-judging, always forgiving God, who loves me unconditionally and who is full ofContinue reading “Pre-Easter Muddle”

A Special Day of Words

Winifred Emma May was a poet from the United Kingdom, best known for her work under the pen name Patience Strong (4 June 1907-28 August 1990). Her poems were usually short, simple and imbued with sentimentality, the beauty of nature and inner strength. Wikipedia Just when we thought Spring was around the corner following our recentContinue reading “A Special Day of Words”

Stepping out of January Blues… and into February’s Soul Month

I’ve been suffering off and on with neck pain since I had a fall two years ago and for the past three months it’s been unbearable at times. One day last week it was the worst it’s been since it began so I phoned the surgery and, to my amazement, secured a face-to-face appointment withContinue reading “Stepping out of January Blues… and into February’s Soul Month”

Find Rest in Holy Week

I’ve been missing in action on my blog for three months. I’ve not been lost for words. I’ve had too many. Having too much to say is as painful as having nothing to say. Words and stories have been buzzing in my head along with the happenings of life; some sad, some happy, yet interestingContinue reading “Find Rest in Holy Week”

How Did I End Up Here?

Since hitting a major birthday milestone 7 weeks ago, time seems to have been flying by at the speed of light and I’ve arrived in the New Year with my feet having barely touched the ground. Already, I’m bored with the tedious reminders of aging that are constantly bombarding me – or is it thatContinue reading “How Did I End Up Here?”

Too Early For This?

You may think it’s far too early to hold a Christmas Carol Service on 4th December but think again. Have you seen how busy the high street is already in the run-up towards Christmas? And it’s not even December yet? We’ve had cards on display since the end of September, Christmas songs in the shopsContinue reading “Too Early For This?”


I attended a poetry workshop recently, alongside fellow writers, facilitated by local poet and tutor, Felix Hodcroft – hosted by Scarborough Writers’ Circle, whose members will be celebrating National Poetry Day at their October session with poems stemming from the workshop on the theme of ‘environment’. The theme immediately brings to mind topical global warmingContinue reading “Environment”


I was thinking about the way stress seems to overtake me quite easily these days. Obviously, the way I handle it now is a throw-back from my psychotic breakdown in 2020, but I wonder if it’s also connected to my being resuscitated following a heart attack in 2008; as a consequence of blood flow starvationContinue reading “SPINNING A GANSEY”


We’re coming to the end of January and what a month it’s been for me on my personal journey. So much has happened (is still happening) this month in response to my vision board for 2022 (with compilation still in progress) that it’s hard to choose a starting point to write from. Therefore, I’ll startContinue reading “HAPPY ENDINGS”


I’ve said it every year for the past 10 years (if not more) and every year, as New Year’s Eve approaches, I’m back in the cycle of clearing my clutter. I do take drastic action on it but always end up in the same place by the end of the following year. This year IContinue reading “VISION FOR THE NEW YEAR”